Sunday, July 28, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "Super-Power Presence"

Tag: Super-Power Presence

The Labour-led government in New Zealand has settled on a new mantra when it comes to addressing the US-China rivalry. It claims that New...

RNZ Interview: Paul Buchanan IVed On Radio New Zealand On An Investigation Into The GCSB RNZ Report: With Paul Buchanan - Security and Intelligence Analyst,...

This week the United States' Defence Secretary Leon Panetta visited New Zealand after holding bilateral meetings with the People's Republic of China and Japan. Panetta...

Analytic Brief: A Romney Foreign Policy in the Southwestern Pacific. Analysis – By Dr. Paul G. Buchanan. Introduction: 36th Parallel Assessments Founding Partner Dr. Paul G. Buchanan...

Afghanistan: Beefing Up In Order To Leave Analysis - By Dr Paul G. Buchanan. In the wake of the most recent NZDF deaths in Bamiyan Province,...

Analysis: A different type of BRIC (Australia in comparative perspective). In this installment of the 36th Parallel series of analytic briefs, the focus is on...

The Pacific Fibre Issue - Has The US Gone Too Far? Analysis - By Selwyn Manning. On Thursday morning's Alex Tarrant reported that the Kiwi...

Assessment: Partners But Not Allies - New Zealand and the US Sign The Washington Declaration Assessment/Analysis - By Dr Paul G. Buchanan. On June 20 New Zealand...

Interview: 95bFM's Simon Maude IVs Selwyn Manning On New Zealand Signing the USA's Washington Declaration Military Pact 95bFM The Wire Counter-Clockwise Bulletin - Recorded live...

Interview: Selwyn Manning IVs Labour's Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Phil Goff On NZ's UN Security Council Bid Triangle TV, Important Points - New Zealand's former...