Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "New Zealand"

Tag: New Zealand

For many years New Zealand elites have claimed to have an “independent” foreign policy, so much so that it has become a truism of...

The Labour-led government in New Zealand has settled on a new mantra when it comes to addressing the US-China rivalry. It claims that New...

International relations is about exercising power to achieve objectives on the global stage. The actors that do so are states, companies, non-governmental organizations or...

Introduction. Director Paul G. Buchanan has been named as a member of the New Zealand Inspector General of Intelligence and Security's Reference Group, an external...

Military aviation has become a global business that transcends strike forces and combat-only platforms. Flexibility in non-military missions such as search and rescue, firefighting...

Although 36th Parallel Assessments is loathe to prognosticate on fluid situations and current events,we have been thinking about how the conflict in Iraq has...

In recent days there have been claims that there has been both more and less spying by New Zealand intelligence agencies. Proponents and opponents...

Paul G. Buchanan interviewed on The Nation regarding potential Chinese cyber espionage and New Zealand's ability to defend against it. This week the US launched...

RNZ Interview: Paul Buchanan IVed On Radio New Zealand On An Investigation Into The GCSB RNZ Report: With Paul Buchanan - Security and Intelligence Analyst,...

This week the United States' Defence Secretary Leon Panetta visited New Zealand after holding bilateral meetings with the People's Republic of China and Japan. Panetta...